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T O P O C A D 2 0 0 0
Suporte com acesso remoto pelo programa Anydesk
TOPOCAD 2 0 0 0
Support with remote access by the Teamviewer program.
Link to remote access >>>
1- A screen will be displayed with the information of YOUR ID and PASSWORD.
2- Inform them by email and then we will access them on their computer.
3- If possible, send a contact telephone number .
4- Send the reason for the request .
5- Teamviewer must remain active .
6- If you are not answered within an hour, close Teamviewer and make a new request.
Note: from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on Monday. the 6th. Market.
The ID is fixed for one computer but the password is always generated a new one every time the program is run.
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