Aproveite as facilidades do sistema com o melhor custo benefício do mercado de Topografia e Agrimensura do Brasil.
Completo para Georreferenciamento
Baixe, instale e teste por 30 dias, completo
Licença vitalícia para a versão adquirida.
Visualize e consulte os confrontantes do Sigef e Sicar
Compre e receba a licença, instale e
com a utilizar imediatamente.
Acesse agora direto pelo navegador.
System provided by email (digital or virtual) with protection of use by PendriveLock or virtual.
Compatible with Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11 (x32 and x64).
AutoCAD and AutoCAD C3D: 2010 to 2022 / AutoCAD LT: *Not supported
BricsCAD: 2017 to 2022
GstarCAD: 2017 to 2022 (Professional, Standard and LT)
ZWCAD: 2017 to 2022 (Professional) / ZWCAD STD-Standard: *Not compatible
For registration in the name of an individual (CPF) the program can be installed and used in up to 3 (three) pieces of equipment for their own use and technical support.
For registration in the name of a legal entity (CNPJ) the program can be installed only on a device for use by anyone in the company and the support as well. If it is installed on more than one device, it is necessary to purchase more than one license.
Unlimited support via email, one month by phone and remote access via TeamViewer when needed for one year.